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"Best Childrens Shoe Fitter In Notts!!!! :-)"

A review of Gordon Scott Ltd by R Stevens written on Saturday 8th of January 2011


I took my daughter in her today, I was a bit fed up as I'd just spent an hour in clarks and long enough in John Lewis to get a ticket that told me I had an hour to wait. My daughter is small for her age and starts nursery on Tues and I was desparate for school shoes. I was greeted by Hannah and Michael, who measured 'my little problem' and, after a very professional fitting session sorted us out with a pair of perfect school shoes. If the owner/manager reads this, he should note that these employees are completely fab, professional friendly and a real credit to the shop. I can't thank them enough for today/.

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Gordon Scott Ltd

Map showing Gordon Scott Ltd on Broad Marsh Centre
