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A review of The Haven Housing Trust by Lewis Blight written on Monday 4th of July 2011


The Haven Housing Trust is a small, Nottingham based, housing charity providing supported accommodation for older previously homeless, or unsuitably housed, people. The charity provides accommodation in 'community homes', houses providing accommodation for 3 or 4 residents from a similar background and life-experience. Accommodation is available for people over the age of 50 years old. The majority of residents are over 60. Residents can stay for as short, or long, a period as they require. The majority have been resident for many years.

The Haven Housing Trust also operates a FURNITURE DONATION PROJECT. Good, clean furniture, household goods and clothing and bedding can be accepted and a FREE collection service is provided. To enquire whether any goods you have may be suitable for donation, please phone (0115) 9856546. .

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The Haven Housing Trust

Map showing The Haven Housing Trust on Sherwood Rise
