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"Some people notice the details..."

A review of Gordon Scott Ltd by Borge written on Sunday 29th of April 2012


I went into this store by chance today I like many others am a standard shopper and have limited funds to my disposal. However I did notice the superior quality of your products. So me being the average joe on the average paycheck (below average(to point out)) decided it was a good investment and bought some shoes from you.

How ever considering my shoes had a little scratch on them I think you should make provisions in certain circumstances. My shoes cost me £135.00 and although you may have some rather fashionably wealthy persons entering your stores; I for one am not one of them.

I had a scratch on my shoe and would have loved to have had my shoes reduced very slightly to reflect this but your employee said that is some thing the company does not do. I still purchased a sponge shoe shine and a spray. Consider this please? Your shoes are fantastic. Enhance my experience.

I also bought the shoe

Thank You


Borge Chang : 07742791607.

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Gordon Scott Ltd

Map showing Gordon Scott Ltd on Broad Marsh Centre
