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"Long lasting shed !"

A review of B S Sectional Buildings by Theresa Dyer. written on Thursday 26th of October 2023


I found a receipt from B.S.Sectional Buildings at Mark Street/Station Road, Sandiacre, Nottingham, dated 22nd MAY, 1986. It is still going strong, and looking good,.

We bought another type shed locally a few years later, which didn't last half as long.

There was a difference in quality of wood, and the outcome is more than we could have asked for. We are now in our 80's and no longer gardening quite as much,

but at least your shed is still being used.

Very many thanks for a wonderful buy, and wish you luck in future years.

Yours faithfully,

Mrs. Theresa Dyer..

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B S Sectional Buildings

Map showing B S Sectional Buildings on Stapleford Road
