Home > Nottingham Street Index > Moorgreen


This page shows businesses on Moorgreen. Click on a business to bring up its details and a map showing its location.


Horse & Groom Inn

Horse & Groom Inn is a public house where customers can enjoy a range of alcoholic and soft drinks.

Address: Moorgreen, Newthorpe, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG16 2FE

Keith T Smith

Keith T Smith is a firm of electricians offering a variety of electrical services to homes and businesses.

Address: 43 Moorgreen, Newthorpe, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG16 2FD

Reuben Shaw & Sons

Homeware shop

Address: Hollydene Nursery, 121 Moorgreen, Newthorpe, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG16 2FF


Map showing Moorgreen in Nottingham.
